Wednesday 6 May 2009

Crunch time!

I haven't posted this one up yet because I never got to finish it. I didn't get to spend very long at all on it so I was gonna come back and give it a couple of hours of finishing.

With the degree show coming up though I'm probably not going to have time to do that though, let alone start any more. From the 3 I did get done though I learned a lot that'll prepare me for these next few weeks of stress!

One Day Animations 03 - Disgusting Drink

I'm going to carry on doing these once I get some more free time, if I can get a really tight workflow and start getting these 3/4 second clips finished in one day I'll be chuffed.

Right now though I need to spend some time on degree show pieces which'll take more than a day to get done. The good side is I'll finally get some work on here that's past the blocking stage!!

Updates in the next few weeks be shots from the short I'm working from, a fun test or two with a brain character from my last short, a Hi-Fi system monster test and maybe some work with an old martial arts master character from 2nd year.

Lots of work to do then. Good times...